
top of Mt. Catherine

This past Saturday there was an open house at the Ballard Bowl. Apparently there was a contest too, but we couldn't figure out when it started. Nollie was really interested in the bowl - she doesn't like it when people drop in and she can't find them. It's too cute!

where did he go?

here he comes!

On Sunday we went hiking with Steve. This time we tried two different hikes and actually finished one! We climbed to the top of Mt. Catherine - a little over a mile, pretty much straigt up. The view was amazing!

Sarah in her new hiking boots

at the top (Steve was working on his tan)

I-90 is down there somewhere


hike to Rachel Lake

Mike, Steve, Nollie and I attempted to hike to Rachel Lake in the Wenatchee National Forest on Sunday. It ended up being an 8 mile, 6 hour hike - and we didn't even make it to Rachel Lake. Nollie was exhausted and we kept losing the trail in the snow, so we turned around at the 4 mile mark. The hike was a little more extreme than we had anticipated. There were quite a few river crossings - at one you had to crawl across a log and Nollie attempted to swim but the current was too stong for her. Here is where I fell into the river and Mike had to toss me back up onto the bank before I was rushed away - it wasn't really that bad, I would have eventually stopped. The water was freezing! Anyway, we all made it down in one piece and went to the North Bend Bar & Grill for some much needed nachos!

the beautiful Wenatchee National Forest


huge waterfall

hooray! we're turning around!

i still have to hike 4 miles down and swim across the raging river?!?

it's all worth it for views like this


knitting circle

Lisa, Brianne, and Sarah

So, this is what I've been doing lately - I've taught myself how to knit! I'm not very good at it, but it has been a lot of fun (a little frustrating at times, but fun). Lisa, my friend from work, is learning too. And my other friend from work, Brianne, doesn't know how to knit very well, but she can crochet like mad! On Saturday I had them both over for a little knitting circle/martini party. We rewarded ourselves by sipping our martinis every time we finished a row. It was a blast!