
winter carnival

Today at work was the holiday potluck that I organized. There was lots of great food and like always I ate way too much. Games were played including a cookie decorating contest and a little "pin the nose on Frosty." We go all out for our potlucks! I also organized a food drive for the week leading up to the potluck. There was a challenge associated with the food drive to help motivate people to participate. If we collected over 500 items of food (last count was 568 but people were still bringing stuff in) then the head honchos have to buy donuts for everyone in the building on Monday morning! I think they are getting 10 dozen donuts! I'm glad that all the hard work and planning I put into this holiday party and food drive payed off. We will get to enjoy some tasty donuts and those in need will get to enjoy some macaroni & cheese!

never too many pictures with antlers

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